A war lance is a weapon of heavy cavalry, such as knights and northern cavalry.A cheap spear can still be a good weapon the same cannot be said of a cheap sword. Effective spears and mauls are relatively cheap to make and are, thus, popular weapons for men-at-arms. Almost everyone carries a knife or dagger, as they are useful and practical in many circumstances. The secrets of forging them have been lost and there are perhaps only a couple of hundred of them left in Westeros, mostly as prized heirlooms by noble houses. These swords are stronger, lighter, and sharper than all others (except perhaps for Dawn), and the steel is typically dark, almost black.

The rarest and most desired swords are those forged in Old Valyria, of Valyrian steel. However, usually only knights and nobles can afford them. This is to a very real extent the mark of a soldier and so carried by all, although it may not necessarily be the soldier's primary weapon.Ĭastle-forged weapons are of high quality, generally better than those produced by smiths in the cities. The weapons carried generally reflect those of the prototype armies and by far the most common is the sword.